Wednesday, June 6, 2012

zombies among us

it was a beautiful normal day..

when suddenly... 

my dad got that familiar look in his eyes...

and got all zombie on us.

growing up, our friends would tell us to have our dad be the zombie...

 and he'd take big, heavy steps while we all ran through the house screaming.

 his transformation is so convincing, i found myself wanting to run like i was 5 again!!
(i played until i was about 16)

 no body is safe. even Buddy knew to keep hidden in the grass.

poor bella was his latest victim, but she seems to be adjusting to zombie life quite well.


  1. I love this and I heart you! I can see why you are so awesome - you have an awesome Mom and Dad! Bella is adorable!


  2. Melanie Greaves, YOU are awesome!!!! I adore you in every way!!! Thanks for the sweet comment. :0)


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