Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ready for Take Off!

Let's be real - bed rest isn't meant to be fun, but it was definitely a much needed break...that I did my best to enjoy!

For one, I've been able to spend lots of time with my Ty, which won't happen much once baby is here, right? And two, I've had lots of time to think! .. Something I should definitely do more of!

The doctor said I am clear to go back to work on Monday, as long as I take it easy ("no bungee jumping or step aerobics" were his words). I'm excited! It's a little weird to think that next month sometime I will be embarking on a new kind of work! A motherly kind! (assuming this baby comes early) I am so stinkin excited!!!!!

Whelp. That's all.

1 comment:

  1. yay!! glad to hear you can be off bedrest. i'm sure you enjoyed it while it lasted b/c it was only a short amount of time!!! i hope you're feeling well and i can't wait for baby girl henrie to be here :):)


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