Tuesday, April 15, 2014

39 weeks

Baby is still cookin...
Measuring around 8lbs. 
75% effaced, 1cm dialated as of April 9th.

Mom came last week and every cupboard and shelf has been gutted, cleaned and organized. What a great feeling! SOO grateful for mom being here!

Why have I not rode these before??? 
We'd been out all day and I was feelin' it. 
Not sure what I'm doing with my T-Rex claw there. Haha. 


  1. I was just going to call you today to see if you have had the baby. But you are still cookin! That is hilarious that you rode the motorized wheelchair thing! I think I would have peed my pants had I seen that! Good luck girl! Tell your mom hi!

  2. You are THEE cutest pregnant person. So excited to meet little Ruby. :D Good luck lady!

  3. Getting excited for you! You are so beautiful!

  4. I don't know what is more amazing... you ridin' the scooter or how empty Costco is.... Love you!

  5. You are beautiful!! Congrats to u both!!!
    All Our Love
    The Tobeys


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