Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

I am so blessed.

Like really really so blessed.

Does anyone else have these kinds of days when you just want to hug everyone around you? Even strangers?

I feel like I'm going where I want to be in life...I'm reaching that destination. I feel happy. Life may not be perfect right now, but I feel happy through it all.

Although life has it's challenges right now, I have no fear. I feel absolutely and completely happy, and I know that my strength is coming from that higher power I put my faith in.

My joy is satisfying. Like eating a turkey dinner satisfying. I'm full and happy.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I felt something and thought it would be good for me to remember this feeling.

I love my life right now. Thanks to my amazing husband, my inspiring baby girl, and my infinitely patient family for loving me so much!


  1. This was so nice to read on a Monday morning. I'm so happy you are happy!

  2. I've been having the same thoughts lately! Money is tight and our situation might not be "optimal".....but we are so blessed and so happy! I LOVE YOU!


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