Monday, July 6, 2009

2nd Grade Journal

I was going through my bookshelf and came across my journal from my 2nd grade class. The topic we were to write about was "Anything" and here is what I wrote:

"I wish that I was a supuer student, and I got on time when i'm late and I always got E's in my report card. I really hope that my family and me will not fight ever agin. Some Day I hope that I never teeze any won around me or Near me I just hope that I never be bad I just want to have a Happy family for ever. And some Day that might come true. If I be nice to people than they will be nice to me, and If I do that then my parent's will be proud and might take me some-where."

I laughed out loud after reading that and also thought about how my dream to have a happy family forever came true! Being married in the temple and sealed to my Ty and my Bella forever is the sweetest blessing I could ever enjoy! I feel so strongly that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is real and true, and I am forever grateful to have it in my life.

Now if I can just be nice to people so my parents might take me some-where! :0)

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